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At this time, the cage contains a chimpanzee to learn Luomeng Xiong kind of load, said to himself: what will happen miracle? Surprise Luomeng Xiong slumped on the ground, he realized that he and the Ge Ruila when! Ge Ruila then came over and asked Luomeng Xiong: Miracle Health? Luomeng Xiong glared Ge Ruila said: you, you longchamp tote, have become the same and you, right longchamp sale - All people are panic? The Ge Ruila asked in surprise: say, a success? Do you see a miracle? Went on to say: but I am not longchamp outlet become like me, but you. longchamp outlet does not require special element. Luomeng Xiong panting pointing cage set in the monkey set out longchamp outlet - round the clock busy, asked Ge Ruila,: Why are you doing? The Ge Ruila filled with innocent look like overload, argued that: I put my much wiser similar point, why should not you? Luo Mengxiong really a rage, he grabbed the Ge Ruila Q: That, then, your next step is also ready to do what?

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Take a look at those who suffered human hunting endangered animals! Is not this human destruction of the natural law, ecologically destructive results? Luomeng Xiong argued that: but now mankind has realized that, all this is raw change! The Ge Ruila shook his head and said: This is just an aspiration! The reality is not so. Luomeng Xiong said: longchamp bags is the intellect, since longchamp outlet know some of the practices of the human race is wrong, that longchamp outlet Why do the wrong thing longchamp bags - So What are you people? The Ge Ruila: longchamp outlet will only stand on the point of view of human beings to consider the problem, why not look at this matter from a different angle! Luomeng Xiong asked: longchamp outlet considered the nature of the ecological environment and ethical, moral and a series of social problems it? Ge Ruila an indifferent kind of load, said: Oh ... the narrow human thoughts and bad habits should change! Please believe longchamp outlet peaceful coexistence, certain and peaceful coexistence of mankind!

